There’s nothing in the world like a long shower. It’s like having a spa at home at your own convenience.
Especially long hot showers help loosen muscles, reduce any kind of itching or dryness and leave you feeling absolutely calm and relaxed. What if we tell you that you can do more during this time? What if there are more benefits of showering than just…showering? Here are a 5 Things You Can Do While You Shower to make it more productive and beneficial for your health.

1. Heal your back, neck and joint pain. Hot showers help ease pain in areas like your back, neck, and joints by calming the muscle. The muscles in these areas cause aches. Hot showers allow more blood and oxygen to flow into the muscle and this is what helps soothe them.
2. Spa day giving yourself a pedicure, shaving your legs or putting on a face mask tends to get extremely messy. The materials used for these like creams, soaps, solutions, and mixtures might get on your clothes and hair. This would require you to clean everything and make the whole process stressful. Instead, these activities can all be done while taking a shower. This way even if things get messy, you’ll obviously be cleaning up completely later on. Furthermore, the impact of the materials used will be more as hot showers open pores.
3. Go green while you have your face pack or conditioner on, you could just put all your plants under the shower or in the tub and water them. This is a good way of making sure your plants get enough water, in all areas without spilling water anywhere outside. Often times pouring water in pots kept in your living room or kitchen might lead to water spillage and this might leave dirty marks on the surface.

4. Include your little pet now that you’ve included your plants in your bathing ritual, bring in your pets as well. Bubble up a bath for your dog and get him squeaky clean with spray water (P4 bathroom faucet). Now you’ve not only made sure your pet is unsoiled but you also had some fun of your own.
Studies prove that baths, especially long hot ones, reduce stress and are not only good for your body but also for your mind.
5. Use this time to think, Baths are extremely calming. It helps you ease your mind just like it helps you ease your muscles. This, in turn, leads you to clear out your brain and think about interesting and creative thoughts. It’s no surprise that few of the best ideas strike us when we’re showering. (Do check out P4 Bathfitting’s Shower Panel)